Nail Technology Course Information

Nail Technology Course Description

Nail Technology: Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) 39-5092.00
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code 12.0410   
The curriculum involves 600 hours to satisfy Arizona state requirements. The course combines theoretical learning and hands-on practice, covering infection control, nail and skin diseases, anatomy, and Arizona laws. Students will gain practical skills in manicuring, pedicuring, artificial nail enhancements, and using nail technology tools, including electric files. The curriculum emphasizes client consultation, professional ethics, and industry standards, ensuring students are fully prepared for the state licensing exam and professional salon environments. Graduates will be equipped with the skills and credentials needed for a career in the nail industry.

*Graduates are prepared to be an entry level nail technician.

This course is taught in English. Textbooks and course materials are only offered in the English Language.

Nail Technology Course OVerview

Course Hours: 600 clock hours

The course is divided into pre-clinical classroom instruction and clinical service learning experiences.

  1. Pre-clinical Classroom Instruction: The first 80 hours are devoted to classroom workshops and demonstrations. You will learn manicure principles, technical information, and professional practices.
  2. Clinic Classroom Learning Experience: The remaining 520 hours are spent in the clinic area where practical experience is gained.
  3. Distance Education Learning Experience: Students enrolled in the program will complete a portion of their theory education through online learning. Transition to distance education occurs after completing pre-clinical classroom instruction.

Nail Technology Course Outline

The Nail Technology program is broken up into three designations.

  1. Core/Protégé Curriculum: This 80-hour period focuses on foundational knowledge and fundamental nail procedures. Students are assessed through written, oral, and practical evaluations. Successful completion of the Core curriculum is required before advancing to Protégé, ensuring a smooth transition and preparing you for the clinic experience. This is an intense and exciting phase of your journey.
  2. Theory/Specialty Classroom: From 81 to 600 hours, your classroom time is divided between Theory and Specialty Classes, covering topics such as manicures, nail extensions, and nail diseases and disorders. Classroom learning experiences may also include retail, motivation, self-improvement, and professional development. These sessions may be led by an instructor, non-licensed staff member, or guest artist.
  3. Clinic Classroom Learning Experience: From 81 to 600 hours, your clinic classroom time will be spent in a hands-on learning environment. You will receive individual guidance and participate in group learning experiences through mini-classes, clinic practical worksheets, and periodic evaluations designed to monitor your progress. During this phase, you will gain real-world experience in guest services and relationship-building skills, essential for success in this exciting and diverse field.

Nail Technology Course Subjects

The Nail Technology program is approved as a hybrid program with distance education. The requirements listed below apply to the hybrid program.

A portion of the following theory subjects is delivered through online learning as part of the hybrid Nail Technology program. The instructional program of Paul Mitchell the School Phoenix meets or exceeds these requirements:


Minimum Hours 
of Theory Instruction

Minimum Lab 
Hour Requirements

Total Contact Hours

Infection Control, Sanitation & Safety

  • Safety, Sterilization, Sanitation, and Bacteriology
  • Infection control practices
  • First aid and safety procedures
  • Maintaining a clean and safe working environment




Anatomy and Physiology

  • Diseases and Disorders
  • Bones, Muscles, Nerves, Veins, and Arteries of the body
  • Application of anatomy knowledge




Manicuring / Pedicuring

  • Safety, Sterilization, Sanitation, and Bacteriology
  • Nail Care Fundamentals and Techniques:
    1. Manicuring
    2. Pedicuring
  • OSHA and EPA Requirements
  • Product Knowledge and Usage
  • Hands-on practice of nail safety and sanitation
  • Performing advanced manicuring and pedicuring techniques 




Artificial Nails

  • Safety, Sterilization, Sanitation, and Bacteriology
  • Nail Care Fundamentals and Techniques:
    1. Nail Wraps
    2. Sculptured Nails
    3. Nail Tips
    4. Gel Nails
  • OSHA and EPA Requirements
  • Product Knowledge and Usage
  • Application and removal of artificial nails
  • Hands-on practice with nail wraps, tips, and gels




Nail Artistry

  • Safety, Sterilization, Sanitation, and Bacteriology
  • Nail Care Fundamentals and Techniques:
    1. Nail Art
  • Product Knowledge and Usage
  • Practical nail artistry techniques and designs
  • Hands-on nail art creation and product use




State Law / State Board

  • Arizona Barbering and Cosmetology Board
  • Arizona laws and rules related to nail technology
  • Practice state board exam preparation and review of legal scenarios




Career Readiness

  • Career and Personal Development
  • Salesmanship / Interpersonal Skills
  • Job Interviews and Salon Management
  • Professional Ethics
  • Mock interviews and role-playing customer interactions
  • Simulated salon management exercises




Salon Artificial Nails

  • Advanced artificial nail fundamentals
  • OSHA and EPA Requirements
  • Product Knowledge and Usage
  • Advanced artificial nail services in a salon environment
  • Applying advanced techniques on clients





  • Additional knowledge on nail care, product innovations, and safety
  • Hands-on practice of advanced nail care techniques and applications








The institution offers employment assistance to help graduates’ efforts to secure education-related employment that includes, but is not limited to training in professionalism, resume development, job interview preparation and job search skills.

Nail Technology Program Testing and Grading Procedure

The following tests and grading procedures are used to assess student learning and mastery of course content in the 600-hour course, which includes the hybrid distance education program:

  1. Academic theory exams: Students must achieve a grade of 75% or higher on each assigned theory exam. Exams are completed at the conclusion of each online theory module. Depending on the length of the distance education module, theory exams will occur weekly or bi-monthly. The theory exams will evaluate the student’s academic performance for each subject of the distance education curriculum.
  2. Core written and practical skills evaluation test: Students must receive a grade of 75% or higher on each written exam and each practical skill exam in order to complete the Core program to transition to the Clinic Classroom. The exams are an overview of instruction taught during the Core schedule. If students are unable to pass each exam after two attempts, the student may be asked to withdraw from the program and re-enroll in the next available Core class start date. The core written and practical skills evaluations must be completed within the school facility and cannot be taken through distance education.
  3. Final written and practical: The written exam covers an overview of all theory instruction, Arizona state law, and other items covered on the state esthetics exam. Students must receive a grade of 75% or higher on all final exams. These exams must be completed within the school facility and cannot be taken through distance education.
  4. Clinic Practical Skill Assessments: Progress in practical skill assessments and instructional hours will be digitally tracked by the Future Professional Advisor using the Course Key app. All assigned practical skill assessments must be completed to fulfill the program requirements.
  5. Distance education assessments: Students must complete a distance education written assessment and practical skill assessment. These are based on performance and must be completed on-campus each month. The distance education assessment will focus on the distance education subjects covered during that time period. Students must receive a grade of 75% or higher on each distance education written assessment and each practical skill assessment. Only students enrolled in the distance education program are required to complete these assessments.

Nail Technology Instructional Techniques and Methods

The 600 clock hour education is provided through a sequential set of learning steps which address specific tasks necessary for State Board preparation, graduation and job entry level skills. Clinic equipment, implements and products are comparable to those used in the industry. Each student will receive instruction that relates to the performance of useful, creative and productive career oriented activities. The course is presented through well-developed lesson plans that reflect the latest educational methods. Subjects are presented by means of lecture, demonstration and student participation. Audio- visual aids, guest speakers, field trips, and other related learning methods are used in the course.

In order to enroll in the hybrid program of study, the Future Professional must have the following hardware, software, and network requirements:

  1. Apple iPad (Wi-Fi 32GB)
  2. High-Speed Internet minimum of 15 Mbps
  3. Pivot Point Lab
  4. Google Chrome or Safari
  5. Zoom